New style finance

We believe that we have created a tool that is not only more convenient than a spreadsheet. Payzzer is part of your daily life, so that you are aware consumer, investor and businessman. We give you a fishing rod, and ensure that draw large fish from the waters of your finances is only a matter of time.

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  • Only 30 minutes per week

    Introduce the application all financial transactions via a convenient mechanism for adding operation.

  • Control of expenditure and revenue

    You will gain a worthless aware what and how much you spend your money and where you get them.

  • Save and earn more

    Based on hard data easier to notice insignificant expenses, unnecessary costs and revenues will pick promising small.

  • A new way of thinking

    With Payzzerem create new way of thinking, thinking whole of your finances not only the current state of the portfolio.

  • Financial development

    Organize and control of finances is just the beginning. When you become the Lord's own finances time to take a step further, and start to invest.

Our idea

Payzzer, in the simplest terms, is a list of your financial operations spread over a period of time. Operations, using Android application, can be added manually by entering an operation using a special command that you enter in a single field.

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